Belpre City Council Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 28, 2019

Mr. Neff called the Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Belpre, Ohio, to order at 7:30p.m. The roll was called with the following members present: Ms. Abdella, Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Drake, Mr. Gant, Mrs. Miller, Ms. Riffle and Mr. Shutts present.  Also present was Mayor Lorentz, Safety-Service Director Mr. Cross, City Auditor Miss Pittenger, City Law Director Mr. Webster, Treasurer Mr. Smith and Clerk of Council Mrs. Meredith.

Mr. Neff asked that everyone please rise for the Prayer and remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Neff gave the invocation.

Ms. Riffle made a motion to accept the minutes of January 14, 2019 meeting as presented and to by-pass the reading.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Reports of City Officials:

Mayor Lorentz announced that the fire department received notice that we were granted $8,349 for the purchase of Marc’s radios.  At the same time we were denied a grant from the Sisters of St. Joe foundation for park improvements and recreation needs.

Ms. Pintz sent us a list of students participating in Government Day.  On February 11 it would be nice if council took part in the day.  You have a copy of the elected officials to review.  Hopefully you will know some of the students which makes it more enjoyable.

Last week I received confirmation that Burger King is going to get natural gas for their new facility.  It will come at the added cost of $16,000 to do so.

On the same note I received a notice from Dominion and the Port Authority that I need to write a letter to the PUCO in regards to the H.B. 26 Rider Funds.  Our legislators do seem to be working on our behalf but, we all know that Washington County is at the bottom of the food chain when it comes to funding and infrastructure needs.

Council, I provided a list of grants either awarded or in play at this time.

Tonight we have guests from our Tree Commission that would like to address council.  My report is short so to lend them time.

Mayor Lorentz stated that with council’s approval he would be writing the letter to PUCO.  Council approved. This letter will be written in hopes to receive money for pipeline upgrade from Blue Knob to City of Belpre.

City of Belpre Tree Commission annual Report for 2018 was presented by a member of the Tree Commission.  Copy of the Report is on file in Council Chambers.

Safety-Service Director Mr. Cross reported that we did receive State approved funding for the traffic signal projects.  We will be receiving 90% of the funding with the City of Belpre being responsible for 10% funding.

City Auditor Miss Pittenger had no report.

City Law Director Mr. Webster presented a summary of the City of Belpre 2018 Criminal Cases opened by his office. He reported that they have opened the criminal files by one charge totaling 152 cases.  He also noted that there are numerous files with more than one charge.  Each charge is addressed separately by the Prosecutor.  A copy of the law director’s report is on file in council chambers.

City Treasurer Mr. Smith announced that a copy of the December’s Treasurer’s report appears on line with copies on the table in the back of council.  I would ask that council approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  Ms. Abdella made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Communications and Petitions:

Mr. Neff announced that he had received notice from Mr. Smith, Treasurer that he would be resigning his position effective the end of February as he will be relocating.  Mr. Neff stated that the process would begin to find someone to fill his position.  Mr. Neff thanked Mr. Smith for the great job he had done.

Report of Standing Committee:

Ms. Abdella Finance/Audit had no report.  Ms. Abdella called a Finance/Audit Committee meeting for February 5th and 12th at 6PM for the purpose of discussing the Permanent Appropriations.

Mr. Neff assigned Trash Rates to Utilities Committee, Mr. Gant, and Chairman.

Mrs. Miller, Police and Fire Committee had no report.

Mr. Campbell, Streets, Sidewalks and Storm Sewer had no report.

Mr. Gant Utilities Committee had no report.

Mr. Shutts, Parks and Recreation Committee had no report. Mr. Shutts thanked whoever was involved in getting the trailer cleared up on Poplar Street after a fire.  Mr. Shutts also mentioned a Recreation meeting to be held on February 4th, 2019.  More information regarding meeting to come.

Mrs. Drake Planning and Zoning Committee had no report.

Mrs. Drake, Economic Development Committee had no report.

Ms. Riffle had no report for the Rules Committee.

Persons Appearing Before Council – Agenda items only.  None

Unfinished Business:

Ms. Abdella announced that we would hold the legislation regarding AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AUTHORIZED MANPOWER FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2019 until the next meeting.  She stated that she had not yet received an updated attachment.

New Business:  None


Mr. Neff announced that everyone is welcome to attend Public Meetings.  He stated that he thought there might be some confusion regarding this matter.

Mr. Neff announced that the filing deadline for anyone running for a position on Council is February 6th at 4PM.

Mrs. Miller asked who was responsible for paying the $16,000 for Burger King to have gas.  According to the Mayor it is the responsibility of Burger King.  It was stated in the meeting that the gas lines stops at Wendy’s and starts back up at Middleton Doll.

Mr. Shutts addressed the sink holes in the back yards of two homes in Boulevard Sands.  It was stated that the sink holes are on the railroad right-a-way.


Ms. Abdella made a motion to adjourn at 8:05PM.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.