Belpre City Council Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 27, 2011

The Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Belpre, Ohio was called to order by Council President Mr. Neff at 7:30 p.m. with Mr. Neff welcoming everyone to this evening’s meeting.  The roll was called with the following members present:  Mrs. Marshall, Mr. Martin, Mr. Robinson, and Mr. Sinnett present.  Also present were Mayor Lorentz, Safety-Service Director Mr. Ferguson, City Auditor Miss Pittenger, City Law Director Mr. Webster, Treasurer Mr. McAfee, and Clerk of Council Mrs. Meredith.  Absent from the meeting were Ms. Abdella, Mr. Baker and Mrs. Boso.

At this time Mr. Neff asked that everyone please stand for the prayer and remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mrs. Marshall made a motion to accept the minutes of June 13, 2011 as presented and by-pass the reading.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Reports of City Officials

Mayor Lorentz reported that during the past few months we have had numerous storms that have claimed some of our older and larger trees.  As you well know the power outages in our city are becoming more frequent and, this does not come without a cost to us.  The trees cause overtime and removal fees as well as electrical repairs and insurance claims at the city building.

On the 21st, I attended the commissioners meeting in Marietta which brought Commissioners from many counties to our area.  Our county hosted this event for 2011 and did a very good job showcasing our area for development.

National College held their grand opening on the 22nd and invited me to attend the festivities and take part in the tour throughout the facility.  This is a unique learning facility in that they offer morning, afternoon and evening classes.

The Pacesetters for United Way held a get together at Circa on Friday June 24th.  My wife and I were able to attend this event and enjoyed the company of these hard working community leaders.

Last week a group of young people from Church’s of Christ were in our city painting and repairing homes.  I was able to visit with them on Wednesday and thank them for their efforts and commitment to the residents of our community in need of help.  They were able to paint 5 homes in Belpre from top to bottom with a few staying over an extra day or so to trim shrubs, clean brush etc.  If you know any of these folk’s, be sure to thank them.  Plans are already being discussed for next year.

Mr. Ferguson and I met with the Farson Street Developers this morning to discuss the roadway and right-a-ways and, to plan a shutdown of traffic next week for sanitary sewer tie-ins.  The portion of Farson that will be shutdown is between Norris and Rockland Avenue.  This work will take at least two days to complete with the re-opening on the third.

Everyone on council should have received an e-mail from me that explains the EPA compliance plan for AEP.  If you should have questions please let me know and I will forward you materials that will help.

On June 1st I sent a note to the finance committee explaining the need to fund engineering for the roadway on Farson Street.  Again I am asking if this will be added to the appropriations so that I have good numbers for the grant process.  The amount that Strand believes will be needed is $20.000 to complete this portion of the project.

Safety-Service Director Mr. Ferguson briefly discussed the every day issues at the pool.

Workman comp was here and went through our facilities.  We have not yet received a final report from them.  I will share the information when it becomes available.

Mr. Ferguson also mentioned the shutdown of traffic next week for sanitary sewer tie-ins.  This was also mentioned in the Mayor’s report.

Mr. Ferguson discussed the resurfacing of the Civitan Park Hill.  The cost of the resurfacing will be somewhere around $35,000.

Mr. Ferguson also stated that the1600 Block of Washington Boulevard is not part of the appropriations.  It will cost at least $5,000 for the materials to get started with the replacement of the water lines. The finishing touches do not include concrete and replacement of sidewalks.  According to the City Auditor since this is not yet part of the appropriations it could be easily taken out of small equipment in the water department and replaced in October when adjustments are being made. An additional $10,000 would be needed for materials and concrete.

City Auditor Miss Pittenger stated that she didn’t see in the June 13th, 2011 minutes where the Utility Adjustments had been approved.  She was informed that they had been approved however if was not reflected in the minutes.  The clerk was to add the approval of the Utility Adjustments to the minutes.

City Law Director Mr. Webster spoke briefly about the cost of printing issues to get the gas and electric aggregation on the ballot for November 8, 2011.

Treasurer Mr. McAfee had no report for the Treasurer’s Office.  Mr. McAfee announced that the Belpre Alumni Association would be holding their annual Ice Cream Social on July 9, 2011 at the Belpre Fire Department Training Center.

Communications and Petitions:

Mr. Neff announced that the 79th Annual Belpre Homecoming is approaching in August.

There is 72 days left until the 19th Annual Belpre City Golf Outing.  This year all proceeds will go to Belpre Area Ministries (BAM).  Before you tonight is a draft regarding the Gas and Electric Aggregation proposal.

Report of Standing Committee:

Ms. Abdella was absent.  No report was given for the Finance/Audit Committee.

Mr. Baker, Police and Fire Committee was absent.  No report given.

Mrs. Marshall had no report for Streets, Sidewalks and Storm Sewers.

Mr. Robinson reported that the Utilities Committee met prior to this evening’s meeting to discuss gas and electric aggregation. Tonight we will have the second readings on two pieces of this legislation. At this time Mr. Robinson made a motion to add to the agenda this evening for first reading A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A GOVERNMENTAL AGGREGATION SERVICE AGREEMENT.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Mr. Martin, Parks and Recreation Committee had no report.

Mrs. Boso was absent.  No report was given for the Planning and Zoning Committee.

Mrs. Boso was absent.  No report was given for the Economic Development Committee.

Mr. Sinnett, Rules Committee had no report.

Persons Appearing Before Council – Agenda items only.

Richard G. Briggs, 2520 Underwood Drive, Belpre, Ohio appeared before council opposing Aggregation Aggravation.  A copy of his presentation is on file.

Unfinished Business:

Mr. Martin brought before council for third reading A RESOLUTION SUPPLEMENTING YEAR 2011 APPROPRIATIONS. Discussion followed.  Mayor Lorentz asked for the $20,000 for the Farson Street Project.  Miss Pittenger stated that with Council’s blessing she could transfer Capital funds from 31250 to 51250.  Mr. Neff stated that there would have to be an amendment to the legislation.

At this time, Mrs. Marshall made a motion to amend the 2011 Appropriations to allow $20,000 for the Farson Street Project.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Mr. Martin moved the third reading on A RESOLUTION SUPPLEMENTING YEAR 2011 APPROPRIATIONS as amended. A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Mr. Martin moved this be Resolution 37, 2010-2011 and duly passed.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Before moving on, Mr. McCauley asked about the emergency clause on the Tax Budget for the Year 2012.

President of Council Mr. Neff declared the motion on the Tax Budget out of order due to the emergency clause and the numbers of council members present required passing the legislation.  Work around were discussed however there were not enough voting members of council.  To clarify, the Tax Budget will remain on the agenda for third reading for the next meeting

Mr. Sinnett brought before council for second reading AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND AUDITOR TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE REGIONAL INCOME TAX AGENCY OR THE REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE INCOME TAX LAWS OF THE CITY OF BELPRE AND FOR THE COLLECTION OF SAID TAXES. A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.  This will lie over until the next meeting of council.

Mr. Robinson brought before council for second reading AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE ALL ACTION NECESSARY TO AFFECT AN OPT-OUT NATURAL GAS AGGREGATION PROGRAM PURSUANT TO SECTION 4929.26 OF THE OHIO REVISED CODE.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.  This will lie over until the next meeting of council.

Mr. Robinson brought before council for second reading AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE ALL ACTION NECESSARY TO AFFECT AN OPT-OUT ELECTRIC AGGREGATION PROGRAM PURSUANT TO SECTION 4928.20 OF THE OHIO REVISED CODE.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.  This will lie over until the next meeting of council.

New Business:

Mr. Robinson brought before council for first reading A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A GOVERNMENTAL AGGREGATION SERVICE AGREEMENT.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Mr. Sinnett made a motion to excuse from tonight’s meeting Ms. Abdella, Mr. Baker and Mrs. Boso.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Persons Appearing Before Council: None