Belpre City Council Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 9, 2014

Council President Mr. Neff called the Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Belpre, Ohio, to order at 7:30 p.m.  Mr. Neff called the roll with the following members present:  Ms. Abdella, Mr. Gilbert, Mrs. Marshall, Mr. Martin, Mrs. Miller, Mr. Newberry and Mr. Robinson present.   Also present were Mayor Lorentz, Safety Service Director Mr. Ferguson, City Law Director Mr. Webster, Treasurer Miss Martin and Clerk of Council Mrs. Meredith. Absent from the June 09, 2014 meeting was City Auditor Miss Pittenger.

At this time, Mr. Neff asked that everyone please stand for the prayer and remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance.  Mr. Neff gave the invocation.

Mr. Neff asked for a motion to accept the minutes of May 12, 2014 and May 19, 2014 Special Meeting of Council. Mrs. Marshall made a motion to accept the minutes of May 12, 2014 and May 19, 2014 Special Meeting of Council.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Reports of City Officials

 Mayor Lorentz’s Report:

 On May 20th the Jr. Chamber dedicated the Little Free Library at the Sr. Center. Plans are to build and start two others in the city.

May 21st election of officers was held at the W.W.W. meeting. Mayor Rapp from Vienna was elected chairman, and Mayor Jean Ford elected vice-chair for 2014 and 2015. I had served as chair since 2009.

A special thank you goes out to post 495 for presenting a very nice Memorial Day Ceremony at the Sr. Center on May 22nd Commander Bill Harpold and crew do a very good and meaningful job in honoring our military. This group also held the City Gathering at Leavitt’s on Memorial Day for all.

The Gazebo is pressure washed and cleaned to accept a new coat of paint thanks to my wife helping me get this completed on Saturday. Belpre Woman’s Club is taking on the painting of the structure this summer. The repairs to the walking track started on May 28th. As previously reported Kraton is taking care of the expense to recoat the entire track. We inspected the track made suggestions and final repairs were made June 3rd.

Shelley and Sands has been contacted to place our streets on their schedule. Hopefully this can happen before snow flies again. Portions of Barclay St. and Dragstrip Road are the 2014 repairs listed. When this was presented to council I had mis-read the quote that you all were given. We can actually do MORE that we thought if you agree.

The pool did not open on time as we had a filter housing freeze and bust over the winter. Chemical injection parts also had to be ordered.

We now have two Waste Water operators that have passed their state test. Lila Follett passed the class III and Rick Allman is now a class I. This is a long and hard process; please congratulate them when you see them out. Please note that a modification to the manpower document is now needed so that their pay rate agrees with the correct class.

Saturday May 31st was the Grand opening for Boxers Bed and Biscuits. My wife and I attended and with help from WTAP Anchors and the Humane Society we judged the beauty pageants for dogs. Those of you that have pets should know this is a very nice place to board your pets. I have stayed in places that weren’t this nice.

The Pioneer Antique Club filled the Howe’s Grove Park with antiques and Tractors May 31st and June 1st weekend.

Our Belpre Fire Department along with other civic groups is tapping people out for the Fire Department Cold water Challenge. Be aware that the water is extremely cold but the effort is for a good cause. Ms. Abdella, My wife and I were victims of this effort.

Mr. Ferguson has passed out the new Manpower sheet reflecting the personnel changes. In the process I would like you to entertain a bump in wages for the Street Crew

Foreman. Dave Shaffer assumes more responsibility then others for approximately the same pay. It is time we correct this to some degree.

 Safety Service Director Mr. Ferguson reported that the generator at the Sewer Department needs replaced.  The generator is 35 years old.

There is an opening for the laborer slot.

I have received request for rezoning of three parcels.  Two parcels are on Hill Street (Town Houses on right side in back lot) and 1 on Maple Street that is owned by the Albright’s.  They would like to change the classification of the parcel from R2 to C2.

I am asking that everyone spread the word regarding the Electric Aggregation.  Mr. Ferguson will be talking to Senior’s beginning tomorrow to try and make them understand what is going on with the electric increases.

Mr. Ferguson also discussed the hiring of a 10th police officer.  Each member should have a copy of the stats from 2013-2014 and why we feel the need of another officer.  Mr. Gilbert stated that Police and Fire Committee and Finance/Audit Committee would need to call a joint meeting to discuss.

Mr. Ferguson made council aware that two members on council have had their vehicles broken into.  They are taking change, sunglasses, bridge tickets, etc.

Mrs. Marshall asked Mr. Ferguson if DP&L has local crews to fix electric in the event that the electric goes out.  Mr. Ferguson stated that as long as you don’t care the color of the truck, AEP would be there to restore your electric.

Ms. Abdella asked about the generator at the sewer plant.  Ms. Abdella asked Mr. Ferguson if he has checked the enterprise fund for the generator.

City Auditor Miss Pittenger was absent.  No report was given in her absence.

City Law Director Mr. Webster had no report.

Treasurer Miss Martin had no report.

Communications and Petitions:

 Mr. Neff announced that per request by the City Auditor the Tax Budget and A RESOLUTION SUPPLEMENTING YEAR 2014 APPROPRIATIONS needs to be assigned to committee and in place by July 15, 2014.  Mr. Neff assigned both to committee.

Marietta Memorial Health Systems will be holding an Open House on June 27, 2014 from 7:30 – 9:00 at the Farson Street location.

The 82nd Annual Belpre Homecoming will be held July 31, 2014 through August 2nd, 2014.

Report of Standing Committee:

Ms. Abdella, Finance Audit Committee had no report.

Mr. Gilbert, Police and Fire Committee reported that he received copies of legislation regarding Chillicothe Drug Labs.  These copies have been forwarded on to the law director for review.

Mr. Martin, Streets, Sidewalk and Storm Sewer Committee had no report.

Mr. Robinson had no report for the Utilities Committee.

Mrs. Marshall had no report for the Parks and Recreation Committee.

Mr. Newberry had no report for Planning and Zoning Committee.

Mr. Newberry had no report for the Economic Development Committee.

Mrs. Miller reported that the Rules Committee is still working on the written policy regarding city employees using social media and fracking.  Mrs. Miller called a committee meeting for June 23rd at 6:30 PM for the purpose of discussing written policy regarding city employees using social media. Ms. Abdella asked that information be provided on the topic of discussion.

Persons Appearing Before Council – Agenda items only. None

New Business:

Ms. Abdella brought before council for first reading A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE TAX BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 2014.  This Resolution is one of those housekeeping tasks where City Council must approve a tentative tax budget prepared by the City Auditor for the following year.  The tentative tax budget means exactly what it says-it is a tentative outline of the Auditor’s prediction of income and expenses for the coming year.  Actual expenditures will be governed by appropriation legislation approved by Council at a later date.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.  This will lie over until the next meeting of council.

Ms. Abdella brought before council for first reading A RESOLUTION SUPPLEMENTING YEAR 2014 APPROPRIATIONS.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Ms. Abdella moved to suspend the rule of council of three different days to allow for the second and third readings of A RESOLUTION SUPPLEMENTING YEAR 2014 APPROPRIATIONS. A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Ms. Abdella brought before council for second and third reading A RESOLUTION SUPPLEMENTING YEAR 2014 APPROPRIATIONS.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Ms. Abdella moved this be Resolution 6, 2014-2015 and duly passed.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Persons Appearing Before Council- None

Ms. Abdella asked about how the pool was doing since the repairs.  Mayor Lorentz stated everything was great.  Today it was 65 degrees and the pool was packed.

The committee meeting that was originally scheduled for June 23rd at 6:30 PM was rescheduled to the first meeting in July.  Ms. Abdella called a meeting for June 23rd at 6:30 PM for the purpose of discussing police officer and manpower.  This meeting will be a joint meeting for Finance/Audit and Police and Fire Committee.  Ms. Abdella asked for a copy of the police contract, pay scale, where the funds are coming from to support another police officer, how it is going to reduce the current cost, etc. from Mr. Ferguson.

Mrs. Miller moved her meeting from June 23rd until the first meeting in July to discuss social media.


Mrs. Marshall made a motion to adjourn at 8:05 PM.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.