Belpre City Council Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, August 8, 2016

Council President Mr. Neff called the Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Belpre, Ohio, to order at 7:35 p.m. The roll was called with the following members present:  Ms. Abdella, Mr. Colvin, Mrs. Drake, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Miller, and Mrs. Sinnett present.  Also present were Mayor Lorentz, City Auditor Miss Pittenger, City Law Director Mr. Webster, Treasurer Mrs. Kincaid and Clerk of Council Mrs. Meredith. Absent from the August 08, 2016 meeting was Councilperson Mr. Turrill, and Safety-Service Director Mr. Cross

Mr. Neff asked that everyone please rise for the Prayer and remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance.  Mr. Neff gave the invocation.

Mrs. Marshall made a motion to accept the minutes of July 25, 2016 as presented and by-pass the reading.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Reports of City Officials:

Mayor Lorentz reported that the Belpre Noon Rotary and Belpre City Schools held their Drug Program on July 28th.  The crowd was down a bit but very well received and very informative.

On Thursday August 4th I received a notice that our EDA Grant for the Rt. 7 Sewer Line was accepted.  We are now trying to acquire easements from the landowners so to cross their land.  We meet on Wednesday with the stakeholders to discuss the next step.

On Friday July 29th I received notice from the US Corp of Engineers that our River Front Park Project is officially dead.  All we needed was Congressional authorization to stay alive.  Nobody stepped up to represent our project so the money will go elsewhere.  We lost $200,000 in 2014 and the remaining $186,000 last week.  Belpre still has the properties but will need representation to be successful.

Thanks to the Chamber of Commerce, our city employees, and all the businesses that made the homecoming possible.  The weather was a little hot but, no rain.  Thanks to the Lions Club for again managing the parade.

This week we will have a teleconference with developers to decide the fate of our firehouse.  Hopefully we can agree and soon see a new business in its place.

Mr. Cross and I will meet this week with AEP Wednesday to discuss a project that spans through Belpre to Dunham Township.  A copy of the letter dated August 5, 2016 with Case Number 16-1523-EL-BLN has been placed on each member of council’s desk with a map on the back.

The American Legion has asked for an area in Howe’s Grove Park to move their Memorial Walk.  We have decided to place it around the memorial stone that is there now.  In the near future if you see people working out in front you will know what is happening.  This should be an attractive addition to our park.

Mr. Cross was absent.  No report was given in his absence.

City Auditor Miss Pittenger announced that the Adjustment Report is on-line with copies in the back for your review.  I would like a motion from council to approve the Adjustment Report.  Mrs. Marshall made a motion to approve the Adjustment Report as presented.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.  During the Budget process we always have to transfer funds from larger funds to smaller funds to make their funds balance.  Even though it is in the budget we still have to have council approve the transfer and the minutes should reflect the transfer.  I am requesting that we transfer from the General Fund $90,000 to the Street Department, $8,000 to the State Highway Department and $40,000 to the pool.  Ms. Abdella asked for a point of clarification.  Mrs. Drake made a motion to accept the transfer of funds.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

City Law Director Mr. Webster reported that the Port Authority is in the process of getting the signatures from property owners.  They were having trouble getting in contact with two landowners for which I had addresses for both of them. There are a total of 46 easements being signed.  The project is progressing.  The next step will be the funding.

City Treasurer Mrs. Kincaid announced that the July Cash Report is available on line and copies have been placed on the table in Council Chambers.  Also a signed copy has been given to the clerk.  I would like to have Council’s approval.   Ms. Abdella made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Communications and Petitions:

Mr. Neff announced that the only pieces of communication he received are the letter from AEP that is a $10,000,000 Project.  Mr. Neff assigned to the Rules Committee the Codified Ordinances.  Mr. Neff stated that he enjoyed the Homecoming this year.  The oldie music was from the 80’s not 60’s.

Report of Standing Committee:

Ms. Abdella Finance Audit Committee had no report.  Ms. Abdella made a motion to add to tonight’s agenda for first reading A RESOLUTION SUPPLEMENTING YEAR 2016 APPROPRIATIONS.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Mrs. Miller, Police and Fire Committee had no report.  There is a meeting coming later.  Mrs. Miller addressed the Mayor regarding the trash on the B&O Railroad property. Trees have been cut but are jagged.  Looks very bad.  I would like to request that letters be sent to them. Mr. Neff asked the status of the squad runs and billings.  Mr. Webster stated that there are additional meetings being held.  Ms. Abdella asked if they had met with other applicants.  According to Mr. Webster they have not.  We have no RFP yet.

Mr. Colvin, Streets, Sidewalk and Storm Sewer addressed council regarding how hard the Street Department is working to patch holes throughout the city.  He has received phone calls from citizens in Boulevard Sands regarding storm sewers that have been barricaded.  Mr. Colvin asked them to be patient but it is going to take some time.  August 1st we had a committee meeting to discuss vacating the alley on Ohio Avenue.  Tonight we will have the third and final reading.  Ms. Abdella asked about when Washington Boulevard and Main Street would be paved.  According to the Mayor it wouldn’t be paved until 2018.  Mr. Neff stated that he had received a call from James Morgan, 807 Walnut Street regarding the same.

Mrs. Marshall, Utilities Committee had no report.

Mrs. Sinnett, Parks and Recreation Committee had no report.

Mrs. Drake, Planning and Zoning Committee had no report.

Mrs. Drake, Economic Development Committee stated that she would be meeting with some folks in the near future.  There will also be a presentation before council in the near future.

Mr. Turrill, Rules Committee was absent.  No report was given in his absence.

Persons Appearing Before Council – Agenda items only.

Stephen L. Lockhart, 704 Oak Tree Lane presented a letter to council regarding the Ohio Avenue Alley Closure and presented it before council.

Unfinished Business: 

Mr. Colvin brought before council for third reading AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE THE ENTIRE UNNAMED ALLEY LOCATED ON OHIO AVENUE IN OLD AMHERST ADDITION.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

Mr. Colvin moved this be Ordinance 6, 2016-2017 and duly passed.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.

New Business: 

Ms. Abdella brought before council for first reading A RESOLUTION SUPPLEMENTING YEAR 2016 APPROPRIATIONS.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.  This will lie over until the next meeting of council.

Persons Appearing Before Council:  none

Ms. Abdella called a Finance/Audit Committee meeting for August 22, 2016 at 7:00 PM for the purpose of discussing Supplemental Appropriations.

Ms. Abdella made a motion to excuse Mr. Turrill from this evenings meeting.  Mr. Neff stated that Mr. Turrill was ill.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.


Mrs. Sinnett made a motion to adjourn at 8:05 PM.  A vote was taken with all members of council present voting aye.